Braucht der Verwaltungsrat ein Budget oder nicht?
July 1, 2019

Mehr Eigeninitiative und ein eigenes Budget könnten Verwaltungsräten helfen, ihren Aufsichtspflichten besser nachzukommen.
Read MoreG20 measures to reduce bank misconduct risk via banking remuneration and culture
September 12, 2016
The FSB indicates how the continued focus on bank remuneration and culture may be played out.
Read MoreCEO pay decreasing: ACSI survey released
September 12, 2016

The most significant finding in this survey was that CEO remuneration had declined.
Read MoreAGM time: a checklist of questions from the floor on remuneration and governance
September 12, 2016
As AGM season looms, board chairmen and directors are considering those inevitable questions from the floor. Are you ready for all of them?
Read MoreQCA Research into the views of institutional investors
February 1, 2016
We have been given some new insights into investors’ expectations of remuneration policy and reporting from research carried out by MM&K on behalf of the Quoted Companies Alliance
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