Braucht der Verwaltungsrat ein Budget oder nicht?
July 1, 2019

Mehr Eigeninitiative und ein eigenes Budget könnten Verwaltungsräten helfen, ihren Aufsichtspflichten besser nachzukommen.
Read More“Die CS Schweiz in Halbgefangenschaft” published in FuW
September 12, 2016

HCM Senior Partner Gabe Shawn Varges is quoted in this Finanz und Wirtschaft article regarding the dilemma of properly selecting board members for major subsidiaries.
Read MoreBehavioural economics and executive pay effectiveness
September 12, 2016

Investors prefer this focus on the long term. Executives do not.
Read MoreCEO pay decreasing: ACSI survey released
September 12, 2016

The most significant finding in this survey was that CEO remuneration had declined.
Read MoreNACD Directorship – Compensating Directors for Unusual or Extraordinary Service
September 9, 2016
Does remuneration need to be rethought when circumstances require extraordinary service commitments? This is a question Dayna Harris, vice president of Farient Advisors, explores in this article in NACD Directorship.
Read MoreReflections On Proxy Season 2016
July 27, 2016

Proxy Advisors seem to be feared or revered. This year, with the major provisions of Dodd Frank on the path of implementation, Robin Ferracone thought it would be enlightening to spend time with one of the most respected voices in corporate governance to understand how corporate governance is evolving and how companies have improved shareholder and stakeholder engagement over the past six years.
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